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Upload audio clips for use in a recorded event
For audio only broadcasts. To include pre-recorded audio in an On-Demand or Simulated Live event,...
Upload videos to play in a Live event
To share videos during a Live event, upload them to your event content. Then in the Live Studio, ...
Add a third-party video to a custom tab
Enhance your events by including videos that viewers can play at any time. You can include YouTub...
Surveys- In-event Survey Training (8 mins)
In-event surveys are a great way to keep attendees engaged during your event through surveys, pol...
Certification & Exam Training (9 mins)
Test your viewers and provide PDF certificates to viewers who passed the exam. In this video, you...
Surveys- Post-event Survey Training (7 mins)
Post-event surveys are a great solution to survey your attendees, or evaluate them with a short q...
Question and Answer FAQs
This article covers frequently asked questions about audience Q&A. Recommended reading: About Q&...
What data is included in my reports (Audience Details)?
The Audience Totals graph will provide a visual breakdown with totals and percentages of registra...
Third-party analytics data
After you enable third-party analytics for an event you'll be able to track the pages registrants...
Surveys- Attendance Survey Training (4 mins)
Attendance surveys are a great way to keep attendees engaged during your event. This video provid...
Live Event Script Training (2 mins)
For moderators and presenters. Looking to streamline several types of content, such as slides, vi...
Auto-fields for event details on a portal
Jump to: Auto-field Reference | Customization Example The portal agenda displays specific detail...
Join the Live Studio
To moderate or present at a live event, enter the Live Studio and connect your audio or video. Th...
Customize the event title and date | Open layouts
By default, the registration page includes the event title, the event date and time, and a calend...
Buttons, tabs, and title bar color | Bar layouts
The highlight color sets the color of the title bar, buttons, and the ruling line above the foote...
Customize the event title and date | Bar layouts
By default, the registration page includes the event title in the title bar and the event date an...
Use the text editor to customize events and emails
Jump to: Add images | Add speaker headshots | Add links | Embed videos | Add a Twitter feed When...
Event Branding & Customization
The event landing page is the entrance to your event. It contains the event title and date, a reg...
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