Recently Updated Pages
Portal Branding and Customization
The portal landing page is the entrance to the portal. It contains the portal title, a registrati...
Plan your event before booking
Use this article to review event options and make sure you have everything you need before creati...
Get assistance running your event
After you schedule an event, you can get personalized assistance with delivering your event. Our ...
Get assistance setting up and running your event
Ensure your next event runs flawlessly, from start to finish. Our experienced event producers can...
What is a portal?
A portal is a website that you set up to host multiple events, replays, and other content from a ...
Survey and Certification FAQs
This article covers frequently asked questions about surveys and certification. Unless otherwise ...
Overlay Video and Primary Media Clip FAQs
This article covers frequently asked questions about overlay videos and primary media clips. Unle...
Presenter FAQs
This article covers frequently asked questions about presenting a Live event. How many presenter...
Event Reports FAQs
This article covers frequently asked questions about event reports. Unless otherwise noted, the a...
Event Recording and Replay FAQs
This article covers frequently asked questions about event recordings and replays. Unless otherwi...
Add social sharing to the registration page
Let your attendees spread the word about an event on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, and then tr...
What types of reports can I get on my event
There are two types of reports that you can run on your events: an Audience Details report and an...
Registration page background and form and content area colors
The body of the registration page is contained in three layers: under everything is the page back...
Set up the banner and logos
The banner area is displayed at the top of the landing page and event window. It spans the entire...
Customize landing page headings, links, and buttons
For events and attendee portals. A landing page contains the event title (or portal title), date...
Event player container and window backgrounds
The event window is made up of two layers: the player page background and the player container. T...
Add sponsor logos to the event window
You can display logos of event sponsors and other call to action images during the event. The log...
Add text, images, and other media to the registration page
All registration layouts include a dedicated space for additional content. By default, this space...
Button and tab color | Open layouts
The highlight color sets the color of the buttons on the registration page and the primary and si...
Download the event recording
Download recordings of completed Live, On-Demand, or Simulated Live events from the Webcast Admin...